ARCHIBUS Users’ Groups : A Great Way to Learn from Others…Worldwide

ARCHIBUS Users’ Groups are a great way to learn from other users in your area, whatever your skill level. Regular, casual meetings often reveal new ways to apply ARCHIBUS to common facilities management challenges. Meanwhile, members benefit from forging an active relationship with ARCHIBUS, Inc.

Users’ Group Benefits

  • Subscription to the electronic ARCHIBUS Asset newsletter for each member
  • Discounts on the full International ARCHIBUS Users’ Conference registration
  • Authorized use of customized ARCHIBUS Users’ Group logo
  • Links to users’ group contact information and Web site posted on
  • Opportunity to post upcoming users’ group meetings in the Upcoming Events section of
  • Option to have ARCHIBUS, Inc. send invitations to new users in your area
  • Editorial opportunities in The ARCHIBUS Asset newsletter

Users’ Group Guidelines

  • Each active users’ group must register with ARCHIBUS, Inc. and identify a chairperson
  • Each users’ group must provide (on an annual basis) a complete member roster, including mailing and e-mail addresses
  • Each group must hold at least two meetings per year to be considered active, and have representation at the annual ARCHIBUS Users’ Conference
  • ARCHIBUS, Inc. reserves the right to withhold users’ group privileges
“We’ve had local users host meetings at their sites and present case studies on their use of ARCHIBUS. People—especially new users—like to see how different companies are using the software.”
—Gerry Clark, Boston ARCHIBUS Users’ Group chairperson

Helpful Tips

  • Consider rotating meeting locations to share the responsibility of hosting meetings among various users. It’s also a chance to take a peek behind the scenes at other facilities.
  • Training topics and user case studies are popular meeting topics. Your local Business Partner(s) may be able to help schedule informational sessions.
  • ARCHIBUS, Inc. provides users’ group incentives free of charge, however your group may want to establish dues to cover meeting costs.
  • Promote your efforts! Regional users’ group meetings are a great forum in which to share your accomplishments before presenting them in a more structured environment, such as the International ARCHIBUS Users’ Conference or other industry events.
  • Consider offering cross-registration privileges with other area groups, such as AutoCAD users’ groups, to add to the knowledge base and increase membership.
  • A simple Web site keeps all members apprised of upcoming users’ group meetings and keeps the lines of communication open between meetings.
“Be creative, motivate your members and keep it interesting! Look at it from the user’s point of view and communicate with other local groups—you may be surprised at the value you can offer each other.”
—Roger Mason, former Silicon Valley ARCHIBUS Users’ Group chairperson